Since timber that is used to construct pallets is derived from dense forests, larvae and insects can become embedded in the wood and be transferred on wooden beams that comprise pallets that are used for shipping and the transportation of goods. If you are going to be reusing pallets at your warehouse for operations conducted on the premises that are necessary for storing or transporting goods, invest in heat-treated pallets.

Heat Treatment Is Used For International Shipments

If you have ever purchased goods in bulk that were shipped from another country, you may have spotted a seal on the wood that specified that the wood was heat treated. Since larvae and living insects could contribute to an infestation of goods or common pest problem within the workplace, some guidelines have been implemented that ensures that wood is free from pests. During a heat treatment, wood is placed inside of a heated chamber for a set amount of time.

Eggs, larvae, and living insects are destroyed during this process. Wood is cleaned prior to the manufacturing of pallets. Even if you purchase goods locally, you have the right to request heat-treated pallets. If you are starting your pallet inventory from scratch and want to guarantee that pest problems don't become apparent, it is important to utilize one type of pallet material for all of your storage and shipping needs.

Besides keeping your workplace clean and sanitary and avoiding mishaps that could lead to bug colonies being found in finished products, you will have a viable way to ship items to each of your customers and won't receive negative feedback due to some or all of the pallets being ridden with larvae and bugs.

A New Setup And Wrapping Process Will Keep Things Organized

Heat-treated pallets can be used to stack finished goods that are stored inside of cartons or you may choose to use them for overstock that is being placed on an elevated shelf. Before investing in pallets, clean the warehouse thoroughly and create a labeling system that can be used to identify goods that are stacked on top of the pallets.

If your employees have been wrapping pallets by hand, consider introducing a streamlined wrapping process, which involves using a pallet wrapper. Clean, organized working conditions will help your workers strive to do their best each day and you may have fewer problems with orders being filled improperly.

For more information, contact a local heat-treated pallet supplier.
